Search Results For Billy Crystal

Monsters At Work (2021)
"Monsters At Work" takes place the day after the Monsters, Incorporated power plant started harvesting the laughter of children to fuel the city of Monstropolis, thanks to Mike and Sulley's discovery...

Monsters University (2013)
Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn’t always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn’t stand each other. “Monsters University”...

Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Set in Monstropolis, a thriving company town where monsters of all shapes and sizes reside, the film follows the hilarious misadventures of James P. Sullivan (known to all as "Sulley") and...

Parental Guidance (2012)
Billy and Bette play Artie and Diane Decker, who are called in by their daughter (Marisa Tomei) to help care for their three grandkids. When their old-school parenting methods collide with their...

The Princess Bride (1987)
A modern update of the basic fairy tale crammed with all the cliches, this adventurously irreverent love story centers around beautiful maiden Buttercup (Wright Penn) and her young swain Westley...

Tooth Fairy (2010)
Dwayne Johnson stars as Derek Thompson, one of the toughest hockey players around -- until he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as the world's most unlikely tooth fairy! Even though he...

When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Harry and Sally meet when she gives him a ride to New York after they both graduate from the University of Chicago. The film jumps through their lives as they both search for love, but fail, bumping...

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