Search Results For Chris Weitz

American Pie (1999)
In this coming-of-age comedy, a group of friends at the end of their senior year make a pact to lose their virginity by prom night. In their outrageous attempts to fulfill this mission, they come to...

The Creator (2023)
Amidst a future war between the human race and the forces of artificial intelligence, Joshua (Washington), a hardened ex-special forces agent grieving the disappearance of his wife (Chan), is...

The Golden Compass (2007)
Based on author Philip Pullman's bestselling and award-winning novel, The Golden Compass tells the first story in Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. The Golden Compass is an exciting...

The Mountain Between Us (2017)
Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a...

Operation Finale (2018)
MGM’s true-life dramatic thriller, OPERATION FINALE, starring Oscar winner Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler’s List) and Golden Globe winner Oscar Isaac (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Ex...

Pinocchio (2022)
Academy Award® winner Robert Zemeckis directs this live-action retelling of the beloved tale of a wooden puppet who embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy. Tom Hanks stars as Geppetto...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together...

The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
After Bella (Kristen Stewart) recovers from the vampire attack that almost claimed her life, she looks to celebrate her birthday with Edward (Robert Pattinson) and his family. However, a minor...

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East of Eden
East of Eden
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99
Wonder Woman 1984
Wonder Woman 1984
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $6.99
Call of The Wild
Call of The Wild
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99