Search Results For Damon Lindelof

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
A stranger with no memory of his past stumbles into the hard desert town of Absolution. The people of Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody makes a move on its streets unless ordered by the...

The Hunt (2020)
Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don’t know where they are, or how they got there. They don't know they've been chosen… for a very specific purpose … The Hunt.In the shadow of a dark...

The Leftovers (2014)
From Damon Lindelof, co-creator of the hit series Lost, this one-hour drama focuses on a suburban town whose preconceptions are shattered in the wake of a global event dubbed “The Departure” (which...

Lost (2004)
From J.J. Abrams, the creator of Alias, comes the action-packed adventure that became a worldwide television event. Stranded on an island that holds many secrets, 48 people must band together if they...

Prometheus (2012)
Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the...

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an...

Tomorrowland (2015)
From Disney comes two-time Oscar® winner Brad Bird’s riveting, mystery adventure “Tomorrowland,” starring Academy Award® winner George Clooney. Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank...

Watchmen (2019)
Set in an alternate history where masked vigilantes are treated as outlaws, WATCHMEN, from executive producer Damon Lindelof (Lost, The Leftovers) embraces the nostalgia of the original groundbreaking...

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