Search Results For John August

Aladdin (2019)
“Aladdin” is the exciting tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future. Directed by Guy Ritchie, who...

Big Fish (2004)
Throughout his life Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor) has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, portrayed by five-time Best Actor Oscar nominee Albert...

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Fantasy Adventure. Acclaimed director Tim Burton brings his vividly imaginative style to the beloved Roald Dahl classic Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, about eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka...

Charlie's Angels (2000)
Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu star as the captivating crime-fighting trio who are masters of disguise, espionage and martial arts. When a devious mastermind embroils them in a plot to...

Corpse Bride (2005)
Corpse Bride carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of Tim Burton's classic films Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Set in a 19th century European village, this...

Dark Shadows (2012)
In 18th-century Maine, Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) presides over the town of Collinsport. A rich and powerful playboy, Barnabas seals his own doom when he breaks the heart of a witch named...

Frankenweenie (2012)
 From creative genius Tim Burton (“Alice in Wonderland,” The Nightmare Before Christmas”) comes “Frankenweenie,” a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing his...

Go (1999)
Eighteen-year-old Ronna, accompanied by reluctant partner-in-crime and fellow supermarket checkout clerk Claire, is desperately looking to score some rent money before she's evicted. Simon, an...

Hancock (2008)
There are heroes... there are superheroes... and then there's Hancock (Will Smith). With great power comes great responsibility -- everyone knows that -- everyone, that is, but Hancock. Edgy...

Titan A.E. (2000)
It's the year 3028 and the Drej, a vicious alien race, have destroyed Earth. Fifteen years later, a young man named Cale (voiced by Matt Damon) learns that he possesses a genetically encoded map...

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