Search Results For Julian Sands

Gothic (1987)
Five famous friends spend a hallucinogenic evening confronting their fears in a frenzy of shocking lunacy and horrifying visions in this fictional tale, which tells the story of Mary Shelley's...

Into The Dark (2018)
A horror event series from prolific, award-winning producer, Jason Blum's independent TV studio. The series includes 12 super-sized episodes, with a new installment released each month inspired by a...

Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
Ben Sanderson (Cage) is a hopeless alcoholic who goes to Vegas to drink himself to death, which is where he meets Sera (Shue), a lonely hooker who loves him enough not to stop him. Definitely as...

Warlock (1991)
In 17th century Boston, a warlock (Julian Sands) escapes death and magically leaps 300 years into the future, where he searches in Los Angeles for the three parts of the Devil's Bible that will...

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Crimes of The Future
Crimes of The Future
WAS: $14.99
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A Wrinkle in Time
A Wrinkle in Time
WAS: $19.99
NOW: $4.99
Richard Jewell
Richard Jewell
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99