Search Results For Julie Andrews

Despicable Me (2010)
In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn. Unbeknownst to the neighbors, hidden beneath this home is a vast...

Despicable Me 3 (2017)
The team who brought you Despicable Me and the biggest animated hits of 2013 and 2015, Despicable Me 2 and Minions, returns to continue the adventures of Gru, Lucy, their...

The King's Daughter (2022)
Known as The Sun King, Louis XIV (Pierce Brosnan) is the most powerful and influential monarch on the planet. Obsessed with his own mortality and the future of France, Louis turns to his spiritual...

Mary Poppins (1964)
Two banker's children lose their nannie due to her frustration with them. A change in the wind blows in an assertive nanny who matches the qualifications of the children and not the father. As she...

The Princess Diaries (2001)
Shy San Francisco teenager Mia Thermopolis (ANNE HATHAWAY) is thrown for a loop when, from out of the blue, she learns the astonishing news that she's a real-life princess! As the heir apparent to...

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)
Five years have passed since the smash hit “The Princess Diaries” ended, now the fun begins as Mia (ANNE HATHAWAY) has matured into a stunning, young woman and is ready to assume her role...

Shrek 2 (2004)
The natural order of fairy tales is interrupted in the sequel to the Academy Award-winning blockbuster "Shrek." "Shrek 2" sends Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona on a whirlwind of new adventures with...

Shrek Forever After (2010)
Long-settled into married life and fully domesticated, Shrek (Mike Myers) longs for the days when he felt like a real ogre. Duped into signing a contract with devious Rumpelstiltskin, he finds himself...

Shrek The Third (2007)
When Shrek married Fiona, the last thing he had in mind was becoming the next King. But when Shrek's father-in-law, King Harold, suddenly croaks, that is exactly what he faces. Unless Shrek (with the...

The Sound of Music (1965)
Based on a real family and the events in their life, The Sound of Music tells the story of Maria, who, after proving too high-spirited for the other nuns in her convent, is sent off to work as a...

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WAS: $14.99
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Mr. Popper's Penguins
Mr. Popper's Penguins
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Basic Instinct
Basic Instinct
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99