Search Results For Mireille Enos

Hannah (2019)
In equal parts high-concept thriller and coming-of-age drama, HANNA follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl raised in the forest, as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA...

If I Stay (2014)
Mia Hall (Chloƫ Grace Moretz) thought the hardest decision she would ever face would be whether to pursue her musical dreams at Juilliard or follow a different path to be with the love of her life...

The Killing (2011)
From writer, executive producer and series showrunner Veena Sud (“Cold Case”) “The Killing” ties together three distinct stories around a single murder including the detectives...

World War Z (2013)
The suspense is killer in this fast-paced, pulse-pounding epic of the potential last days of the human race. Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called upon to help stop the...

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The Comedian
The Comedian
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99
The Fifth Element
The Fifth Element
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99