Premium Rush (2012)

Released:  Friday, August 24, 2012  
Length:  91 minutes
Studio: Sony Pictures
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Rating: Premium Rush is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of AmericaSome material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Premium Rush Synopsis

Dodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies and eight million cranky pedestrians is all in a day's work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York's agile and aggressive bicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ride the fixie - super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and nutcases who risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head into traffic. But a guy who's used to putting his life on the line is about to get more than even he is used to when his last envelope of the day - a routine "premium rush" run - turns into a life or death chase through the streets of Manhattan.
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Premium Rush Courtesy of Sony Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Premium Rush images are Courtesy of Sony Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

Movie / Film Review
Premium Rush Is A great adrenaline pumping action film.
Full Review | Grade: B

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