Movie / Film Reviews

Here at FlickDirect, our goal is to provide up-to-date reviews on theatrical, home entertainment, and television series. Check out the reviews of upcoming films or programming, and even our take on the classsics.

Night School
Allison Rose | Sep 27, 2018
Night School offers some of the laughs and gags are so funny that you can't hear the next bit of dialog because the audience is laughing too hard!
Full Review | Grade: C
Allison Rose | Sep 26, 2018
Small Foot will also provoke controversy, especially from religious groups.  Depending on one’s viewpoint, Small Foot can make the argument either for or against organized religion.
Full Review | Grade: B
Love, Gilda
Allison Rose | Sep 20, 2018
Love, Gilda showcases her talent and reminds us all why we fell in love with her in the first place.
Full Review | Grade: B
Allison Rose | Sep 06, 2018
For the average moviegoer or for fans of Jennifer Garner Peppermint doesn't go far enough to offer a worthwhile experience. I don't think we will see a sequel coming down the road for this one and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Full Review | Grade: C
Allison Rose | Aug 30, 2018
James Franco is excellent as the stereotypical sleazy dirtbag.  As an actor, he is a chameleon who always delivers on screen.
Full Review | Grade: C
Bang The Drum Slowly
Allison Rose | Aug 26, 2018
Even though Bang The Drum Slowly is forty-five years old is it as poignant and relevant today as it was back in the 1970’s. It’s worth watching for any young person, especially those involved in sports.
Full Review | Grade: B
Nathan M Rose | Aug 16, 2018
Once in a while, a movie comes along, that touches your soul...Alpha does just that! FIVE PAWS!
Full Review | Grade: B
Mile 22
Allison Rose | Aug 16, 2018
While a little graphic it is sure to entertain those that love the action genre while it keeps the rest of us amused and engaged to the very end!
Full Review | Grade: B
Crazy Rich Asians
Allison Rose | Aug 14, 2018
Crazy Rich Asians — Hilarious, Heartwarming, and Historic!
Full Review | Grade: B
The Meg
Allison Rose | Aug 08, 2018
The Meg Is a fun, end of summer ride.
Full Review | Grade: B

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