Search Results For Russell Crowe

Les Miserables (2012)
Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Misérables tells an enthralling story of broken dreams and unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption—a timeless testament to the survival...

Man of Steel (2013)
With the imminent destruction of Krypton, their home planet, Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and his wife seek to preserve their race by sending their infant son to Earth. The child's spacecraft lands at the...

The Man With the Iron Fists (2012)
Quentin Tarantino presents The Man With the Iron Fists, an action-adventure inspired by kung-fu classics as interpreted by his longtime collaborators RZA and Eli Roth. Making his debut as a big-screen...

The Mummy (2017)
Tom Cruise headlines a spectacular, all-new cinematic version of the legend that has fascinated cultures all over the world since the dawn of civilization: The Mummy. Thought safely entombed in a...

The Next Three Days (2010)
Life seems perfect for John Brennan until his wife, Lara, is arrested for a gruesome murder she says she didn't commit. Three years into her sentence, John is struggling to hold his family...

The Nice Guys (2016)
“The Nice Guys” takes place in 1970s Los Angeles, when down-on-his-luck private eye Holland March (Gosling) and hired enforcer Jackson Healy (Crowe) must work together to solve the case of a missing...

Noah (2014)
The Biblical Noah suffers visions of an apocalyptic deluge and takes measures to protect his family from the coming flood.

The Quick and the Dead (1995)
In this edgy and darkly humorous Western, a mysterious young woman rides into the lawless town of Redemption to settle an old score that has haunted her since she was a child. She becomes swept up ina...

Robin Hood (2010)
A love triangle forms between the legendary do-gooder Robin Hood, his Maid Marian and the archer's arch nemesis, the Sheriff of Nottingham. Crowe stars as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a scenario...

State of Play (2009)
Oscar winner Russell Crowe leads an all-star cast in a blistering thriller about a rising congressman and an investigative journalist embroiled in an case of seemingly unrelated, brutal murders. Crowe...

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Hall Pass
Hall Pass
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
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NOW: $9.99
The Crow
The Crow
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99