Search Results For Mila Kunis

A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)
A Bad Moms Christmas follows our three under-appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And if creating a more...

Bad Moms (2016)
In this new comedy from the writers of The Hangover, Amy has a seemingly perfect life - a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However, she's over-worked...

Black Swan (2010)
A supernatural thriller set in the world of New York City ballet. Black Swan centers on a veteran ballerina (Portman) who finds herself locked in a competitive situation with a rival dancer, with the...

Book of Eli (2010)
In the not-too-distant future, across the wasteland of what once was America, a lone warrior (Washington) must fight to bring civilization the knowledge that could be the key to its redemption and...

Extract (2009)
Ben Affleck will play an ambulance-chasing lawyer in the film, which centers on a flower extract factory owner (Jason Bateman) who's dealing with workplace problems and a streak of bad luck, including...

Family Guy (1999)
The show follows the adventures of lovable oaf PETER GRIFFIN (Seth MacFarlane) and his hilariously odd family of middle-class New Englanders. LOIS (Alex Borstein) is Peter’s loving wife, a former Miss...

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
Struggling musician Peter Bretter (Jason Segel) is better-known as the boyfriend of TV star Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). After she unceremoniously dumps him, he feels lost and alone but makes a...

Friends With Benefits (2011)
Dylan (Justin Timberlake) and Jamie (Mila Kunis) think it's going to be easy to add the simple act of sex to their friendship, despite what Hollywood romantic comedies would have them believe....

Jupiter Ascending (2015)
From the streets of Chicago to far flung galaxies whirling through space, Jupiter Ascending is a science fiction epic adventure that follows the downtrodden Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis), who's destined...

Max Payne (2008)
Based on the legendary, hard-hitting interactive video game, "Max Payne" tells the story of a maverick cop determined to track down those responsible for the brutal murder of his family and partner....

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Super 8
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The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
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Follow Her
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