Search Results For John Cleese

A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
In 1988, John Cleese, former Python and the mastermind behind Fawlty Towers, teamed up with the veteran Ealing Comedy director Charles Crichton (The Lavender Hill Mob) to produce another classic of...

Absolutely Anything (2017)
In this hilarious sci-fi comedy, ordinary schoolteacher Neil Clarke (Simon Pegg) is granted extraordinary powers by a group of space aliens (voiced by the Monty Python team) as a test to determine the...

Clifford the Big Red Dog (2021)
When middle-schooler Emily Elizabeth (Darby Camp) meets a magical animal rescuer (John Cleese) who gifts her a little, red puppy, she never anticipated waking up to find a giant ten-foot hound in her...

Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond's newest mission begins with a spectacular high-speed hovercraft chase through a minefield in the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea - and the action doesn't let up until...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
The follow-up to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone finds young wizard Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) facing new challenges during...

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Young Harry Potter has to lead a hard life: His parents have died in a car crash when he was still a baby, and he is being brought up by his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. For some reason unbeknownst...

Igor (2008)
John Cusack leads an all-star voice cast featuring Jay Leno, Molly Shannon, John Cleese, Jeremy Piven, Steve Buscemi, and Jennifer Coolidge in this computer-animated comedy about a gifted scientist...

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
The Monty Python team are at it again in their second movie. This time we follow King Arthur and his knights in their search for the Holy Grail. This isn't your average medieval knights and horses...

Planes (2013)
From above the world of “Cars” comes “Disney’s Planes,” an action-packed 3D animated comedy adventure featuring Dusty (voice of Dane Cook), a plane with dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer....

Planet 51 (2009)
Animated sci-fi tale set on "Planet 51," whose inhabitants live in fear of an alien invasion. Their paranoia is realized when astronaut Capt. Charles "Chuck" Baker arrives from...

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Donnie Brasco
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Universal Soldier
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