Search Results For Michael Stuhlbarg

A Serious Man (2009)
Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) is a physics professor at a 1960s university, and his life is coming apart at the seams. His wife (Sari Lennick) is leaving him, his jobless brother (Richard Kind) has...

Arrival (2016)
When mysterious spacecraft touch down across the globe, an elite team - lead by expert linguist Louise Banks (Amy Adams) - are brought together to investigate. As mankind teeters on the verge of...

Boardwalk Empire (2010)
Atlantic City, 1920. When alcohol was outlawed, outlaws became kings. HBO presents Season One of this epic new drama series that follows the birth and rise of organized crime in 'the world's...

Bones and All (2022)
BONES AND ALL is a story of first love between Maren, a young woman learning how to survive on the margins of society, and Lee, an intense and disenfranchised drifter; a liberating road odyssey of two...

Doctor Strange (2016)
From Marvel comes Doctor Strange, the story of world-famous neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange, whose life changes forever after a horrific car accident robs him of the use of his hands. When...

Hitchcock (2012)
Following his great success with "North by Northwest," director Alfred Hitchcock (Anthony Hopkins) makes a daring choice for his next project: an adaptation of Robert Bloch's novel, "Psycho." When the...

Hugo (2011)
Orphaned and alone except for an uncle, Hugo Cabret (Asa Butterfield) lives in the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. Hugo's job is to oil and maintain the station's clocks, but to him, his more...

The Post (2017)
Steven Spielberg directs Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks in The Post, a thrilling drama about the unlikely partnership between The Washington Post’s Katharine Graham (Streep), the first female...

The Shape of Water (2017)
From master story teller, Guillermo del Toro, comes THE SHAPE OF WATER - an other-worldly fable, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962. In the hidden high-security government...

Steve Jobs (2015)
Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of the...

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Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $12.99
House at the End of the Street
House at the End of the Street
WAS: $17.99
NOW: $12.99
Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge
WAS: $13.99
NOW: $12.99