Meet The Parents (2000)

Released:  Friday, October 6, 2000  
Length:  108 minutes
Studio: Universal Pictures
Genre: Comedy
Rating: Meet The Parents is rated PG-13 by the Motion Picture Association of AmericaSome material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Meet The Parents Synopsis

If you have any sense of empathy at all, you'll be squirming uncomfortably for Greg (Stiller), a nice Jewish boy who suffers an extended brainlock when he meets his girlfriend Pam's (Polo) WASPy parents during her sister's wedding weekend. It doesn't help that one of those parents is Jack (De Niro), an ex-CIA psychological profiler who takes an immediate dislike to his prospective son-in-law. Greg starts off on the wrong foot by accidentally smashing the urn holding the ashes of Jack's mother with a champagne cork, and his luck goes down from there. The rest of the cast performs well, especially Danner as Pam's mother, and De Niro plays off of his tough guy image for a brilliant comedic performance.

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Meet The Parents images are Courtesy of Universal Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

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