Search Results For Andy Serkis

The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures Present a 3D Motion Capture Film "The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn" directed by Steven Spielberg from a screenplay by Steven Moffat and Edgar...

The Batman (2022)
Batman ventures into Gotham City's underworld when a sadistic killer leaves behind a trail of cryptic clues. As the evidence begins to lead closer to home and the scale of the perpetrator's plans...

Black Panther (2018)
"Black Panther" follows T'Challa who, after the events of "Captain America: Civil War," returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to take his place as King....

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves...

Flushed Away (2006)
A pampered pet “society mouse” Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) thinks he’s got it made…until he’s literally flushed away to a bustling underground world of ninja frogs, hench-rats and singing slugs. In...

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
The adventure follows the journey of title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the...

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
From Academy Award (R)-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson comes "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies," the third in a trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by...

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
The second in a trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug continues the adventures of the...

King Kong (2005)
In the King Kong Deluxe Edition DVD, it is 1933, and vaudeville actress Ann Darrow (Oscar® nominee Naomi Watts) has found herself-like so many other New Yorkers during the Great Depression-without the...

Long Shot (2019)
Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) is a gifted and free-spirited journalist with an affinity for trouble. Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron) is one of the most influential women in the world. Smart...

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To Catch a Thief
To Catch a Thief
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat
WAS: $12.99
NOW: $9.99
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $9.99