Search Results For David S. Goyer

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
It's been nearly two years since Superman's (Henry Cavill) colossal battle with Zod (Michael Shannon) devastated the city of Metropolis. The loss of life and collateral damage left many feeling angry...

Blade (1998)
When Blade's mother was bitten by a vampire during pregnancy, she did not know that she gave her son a special gift while dying: All the good vampire attributes in combination with the best human...

Blade II (2002)
A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community. The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are...

Blade Trinity (2004)
Wesley Snipes returns as the day-walking vampire hunter in the explosive third and final film of the Blade franchise, Blade: Trinity. For years, Blade has fought against the vampires in the cover of...

Blade: The Series (2006)
Krista Starr returns from military service in Iraq to learn that her twin brother, Zack, has died under mysterious circumstances. Her investigation reveals that Zack was a "familiar" - a...

Constantine (2014)
Based on the wildly popular DC Comics series “Hellblazer,” seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan, “Criminal Minds”) specializes in giving hell… hell. Armed with a...

The Crow: City of Angels (1996)
This fast-moving, action-packed sequel to The Crow explodes on-screen with hot stars Vincent Perez (Queen of the Damned) and Mia Kirshner (TV's The L Word). After a brutal attack by an evil drug...

Da Vinci's Demons (2012)
Starring Tom Riley (“Monroe,” I Want Candy), as the title character, “Da Vinci's Demons” is a historical fantasy, following the ‘untold’ story of the...

Dark City (1998)
A brilliant, complex film starring RUFUS SEWELL (Cold Comfort Farm), KIEFER SUTHERLAND (A Time To Kill), JENNIFER CONNELLY (Inventing the Abbotts), Richard O'Brien (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) and...

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Warner Bros. Pictures’ and Legendary Pictures’ “The Dark Knight Rises” is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.Leading an all-star international cast, Oscar® winner...

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WAS: $19.99
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Shadow in The Cloud
Shadow in The Cloud
WAS: $24.99
NOW: $9.99
Minority Report
Minority Report
WAS: $14.99
NOW: $4.99