Search Results For Linda Hamilton

Children of The Corn (1984)
A young couple (Linda Hamilton, Terminator 2, and Peter Horton, thirtysomething) find themselves stranded in the rural town of Gatlin, Neb., where they encounter a mysterious religious sect of...

Chuck (2007)
"An effervescent mix of high action, slapstick comedy and winning performances." - Matt Roush, TV GUIDE Chuck Bartowski, ace computer geek at the BuyMore, is not in his right mind. That's a good...

Dante's Peak (1997)
Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton star in Dante’s Peak, an action-packed story about the incomparable power of nature and mankind’s unending will to survive. When unusual seismic activity...

Resident Alien (2021)
An alien crashes on Earth and hides in a remote Colorado mountain town. After assuming the identity of the town doctor, Harry Vanderspeigle, his nefarious mission to kill all humans is threatened when...

The Terminator (1984)
In the year of Darkness, 2029, the rulers of this planet have devised the ultimate plan. They will reshape the future by changing the past. The plan requires something that feels neither pity, pain...

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as "The Terminator" in this explosive action-adventure spectacle. Now he's one of the good guys, sent back in time to protect John Connor, the boy destined to lead the...

Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
More than two decades have passed since Sarah Connor prevented Judgment Day, changed the future, and re-wrote the fate of the human race. Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes) is living a simple life in Mexico...

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Pirates! Band of Misfits
Pirates! Band of Misfits
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