Search Results For Liam Neeson

A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
A sheep farmer, who lacks courage, loses his beloved female partner as a result of him withdrawing a duel. He soon meets another lady, and discovers his bravery and confidence. The herder soon...

A Monster Calls (2016)
A visually spectacular drama from acclaimed director Juan Antonio Bayona (“The Impossible”), based on the award-winning children’s fantasy novel. 12-year-old Conor (Lewis MacDougall)...

A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Based on Lawrence Block’s bestselling series of mystery novels, A Walk Among the Tombstones stars Liam Neeson as Matt Scudder, an ex-NYPD cop who now works as an unlicensed private investigator...

The A-Team (2010)
This updated feature-film take on the hit 1980s television show follows a group of Iraq War veterans on the run from U.S. military forces while they try to clear their names after being framed for a...

Batman Begins (2005)
As a young boy, Bruce Wayne watched in horror as his millionaire parents were slain in front of him--a trauma that leads him to become obsessed with revenge. But the opportunity to avenge his parent's...

Blacklight (2022)
Trust, identity, and the danger of unchecked power push a covert operative to the edge in director Mark Williams’ intense action thriller Blacklight. Travis Block (Neeson) lives and fights in the...

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
The enchanted characters of C.S. Lewis's timeless fantasy come to life again in this second installment of the seven book series, in which the Pevensie siblings are magically and mysteriously...

Clash of The Titans (2010)
In "Clash of the Titans," the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a...

Cold Pursuit (2019)
Featuring a wildly entertaining mix of dynamic action and dark humor, COLD PURSUIT stars Liam Neeson as Nels Coxman, a snowplow driver whose quiet family life is upended after his son's murder....

The Commuter (2018)
In this action-packed thriller, Liam Neeson plays an insurance salesman, Michael, on his daily commute home, which quickly becomes anything but routine. After being contacted by a mysterious stranger...

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Scooby-Doo! And Kiss: Rock and Roll Mystery