Back in 1981, an eclectic movie, entitled Arthur, was unleashed on the unsuspecting public, starting Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli, and John Gielgud. The film went on to enjoy huge success. Thus, it was only a matter of time until a remake was created, and that just happened to happen in the spring of 2011, by Warner Bros studios.
The 2011 Arthur, directed by first-time feature film director, Jason Winer (Modern Family) stars the up-and-coming comedian, Russell Brand, as the title role, along with Jennifer Garner, Greta Gerwig, Helen Mirren, Nick Nolte. The remake basically follows the original's story -- The mother (Geraldine James, Alice in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes) of alcoholic playboy named Arthur Bach (Russell Brand, Get Him To The Greek) is sick and tired of having him embarrass the Bach Company with his childish ways. The only way he can save his billion- dollar fortune is to agree to an arranged marriage with heiress, Susan Johnson (Jennifer Garner, Alias, Daredevil). However, he falls in love with a working-class woman named Naomi Quinn (Greta Gerwig, No Strings Attached), and turns to his Nanny Hobson (Helen Mirren, Red , Inkheart) for help when he is made to choose between love and money.
While personally not being a fan of the originally Arthur, I respected it as a great piece of storytelling. However, the 2011 remake simply blows the original 1981 film out of the water. The directing is evenly paced throughout the entire film and does not have any sense going on longer than the audience interest. Russell Brand again shows why he will be a name to watch for a long time to come. Giving his best performance to date, he truly embodies Arthur and makes it his own part -- leaving Dudley Moore as only a memory. The supporting cast is perfectly matched to their respective roles with an outstanding academy award performance by Helen Mirren. The only mismatched cast member was Nick Nolte (48 Hrs, Hulk), as his performance was a bit too much over the top and not that convincing.
If you are in the mood for a good time either with your friends or on a date, definitely check out Arthur this April. It is a movie-going experience that you will not be disappointed with.